
Coaching Conversation

Coaching Conversation

Vivek Jayaraman
1st Mar, 2019

Coaching Conversation


Below is a sample coaching conversation between Rachna, a working professional, and her coach. Rachna is suffering from attention disorder and couldn’t focus more on her work. She needs coaching so that she can overcome her problem.

Rachna: I have a problem focusing on my everyday work. I can’t get my work done properly.

Coach: I’m listening. Tell me more about the work that doesn’t get focused.

Rachna:  It’s not just my official stuff but even my personal stuff that I lose focus from

Coach: How did you conclude that you have a problem focusing?

Rachna: I end up leaving things half complete which I am supposed to complete

Coach: What do you think you can do to ensure that you get more focused on your work?

Rachna: I can plan for a meditation or yoga class to seek attention on my work

Coach: Meditation and yoga sound good for attaining focus while having peace of mind. How will you feel when you think you have more attention and focus on your work?

Rachna: I will feel contended. The feeling of giving everything I have got to the work I am doing. I would like to feel I have given my 100% even when the work is unable to be completed. I should feel a sense of fullness.

Coach: That’s great. What really interests you, Rachna? For example, think of a few things where you are putting your 100% on it or in the past you did put 100% on it.

Rachna: Yes, there were certain things in the past where I felt the fullness and spent my 100% on them.

Coach: From when you did lost focus? You really found that out yourself or did someone tell you about it and you realized it?

Rachna: People told me so and I realized it after that. I don’t usually get help or guidance for the work I do but pure criticism. People don’t give good feedback even when times I have done more than I can do. Every time, the unacceptance and criticism made me think about whether what I do is worth it or not. I lose focus mostly because of the haunting past of unacceptance.

Coach: What do you think you can do to make yourself go forward with or without acceptance? I believe not everyone and everything gets accepted and that’s okay.

Rachna: If I put in my 100% and am able to complete the work and attain fullness, I should be good.

Coach: That’s nice to hear. Who can help you with this?

Rachna: I think my better half would be able to help and I have a mentor in the workplace, who provides some insights from his experience. They both can help me with some meditation practices.

Coach: How do you feel now about attaining the outcomes that you have told me?

Rachna: I have more clarity on what I need to do to attain the fullness that will give me more confidence.

Coach: Okay. When do you think will be a good time to catch up for a follow-up conversation?

Rachna: I believe, same time next week would be ideal. Thank you so much for making me realize that I had it in me.

Coach: Don’t thank me yet until you feel what you want to feel during your outcome.

Rachna: Sure. Thanks, and see you next week. Bye.

Coach: See you. Bye.


In the above conversation, the coachee informs the coach about the problem of losing focus that she faces regularly. The coach doesn’t have more information about that and he need not know every single detail of the problem. So, Coach says he is listening and that gives a sign of trust for the coachee to tell more about the problem. The coachee is now relaxed to share more information as the coach opens the platform to do so. The questions that were asked by the coach will make the coachee self-realize what she can do by herself to make herself better. As we see here, the Coach is not a problem solver nor a solutions provider. Instead, the Coach asks powerful questions that give an “Aaha” moment for the coachee to dig deeper into the root of the problem unlike before. Some of the powerful questions like “How do you know if this is a problem?”, “What do you think you can do about it?”, “From when the problem started?”, “Who can help you face the problem?” etc.

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